I woke up for Tahajjud salaat this morning...

This post is not about how pious I am.

I am not. I'm just like other Muslims around the world, trying to fulfill my obligations to my Creator. Some days I succeed. Some days I don't. But I keep on trying.

I spent yesterday glued to the news about the massacre in Aleppo. I went through many emotions throughout the day; I felt angry and upset. I felt helpless and frustrated. I broke down and cried. I'm not ashamed to admit it. I sobbed - whether it was due to what I saw on the news and on social media, or whether it was due to my own impotence I don't actually know. Maybe it was a mixture of emotions that needed letting out.

I over-discussed the days events with friends and family. We played the blame game. It was the Arab leaders
at fault... No it was Russia that's the problem ... it's the ruthless Syrian leadership...Iran was to blame! The day was spent over analyzing everything and it helped nothing. The carnage continued and my misery grew.

When I finally climbed into bed, I felt emotionally drained. It felt like a dark cloud was hanging over me. I lay in bed thinking about the temperature in Aleppo that plunges into the minuses this time of the year. How many homeless, heartbroken and terrified Muslims would be spending the night in the freezing cold with only the clothes on their backs while I lay in my warm, comfortable bed?

A fresh stream of hot tears rolled down my cheeks and soaked into my pillow. What could I do to help them?!..

Then a quiet moment of inspiration...I thought.. The time for talking and debating and over analyzing is over! Its time to stop the useless words of condemnation and blame. Its time to stop paying lip service to how sad I feel for Syria and Muslims everywhere!  Its time for sincere effort. Its time for action, and its time NOW! I felt myself steel up.

I decided right then to help my Muslim brethren by leaving my warm and comfortable bed in the early hours of the morning and stand before The Almighty, begging. I set my alarm and climbed out of bed a short while later. I looked up to the sky and said 'Allah bear witness that I left my warm bed for Syria'.

I woke up for Tahajjud salaat this morning to help my brothers and sisters in Syria. I used my weapon of dua and shot arrows that do not miss their target at that time.

I woke up this morning for Tahajjud. This post was not about how pious I am. This post was about how I am fighting for the Muslims in Aleppo... and around the world. I am now a warrior for the Ummah... Will you join me?

_*"And what is (the matter) with you that you fight not in the cause of Allah and [for] the oppressed among men, women, and children who say, 'Our Lord, take us out of this city of oppressive people and appoint for us from Yourself a protector and appoint for us from Yourself a helper?'"*_ (Quran Surah Nisaa; 75)


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