Fellow Jaycees,

Even as I am running late to work this morning, I have the nudging to pen this humble piece. I actually woke up dreaming about JCI Nigeria and I would love to share. I shall do this without any unnecessary oratory.

At every point in history, men who achieved greatness, had done so when a vacuum appears, when challenges arise in their society, when a need threatens their existence and when solutions are scarce. We can mention Rosa Parks, Muhammed Ali, Abraham Lincoln, Obafemi Awolowo, Mandela and our Patriarch, Henry Giessenbier.

The truth, as it is today, is that there exists a vacuum in every facet of our society. The issue which is presently threatening our humanity is hunger, lack of money, economic recession. Government has failed the people, religious institutions have abandoned their social welfare roles, and MMM is looking like a bottle of gunpowder. This prompts one to ask what JCI Nigeria could do to step into the situation, to provide an alternative. There are three particular questions that the situation poses:

1. What can JCI do for members who are struggling?
2. What can JCI do for Nigerians?
3. What can JCI do for Nigeria?

I would leave this questions to be answered by the incoming national leadership. But I will point out what we have never seen, or we have seen but we never took serious.

JCI Nigeria has the number, membership strength and structure to pull Nigerians out of poverty. At least, if not all, we can help some. Imagine these:

1. With a monthly cooperative collection of N5, 000 from 5, 000 members. We will have 300 Million Naira Annual Cooperative Savings. We can render legitimate and sustainable "help" to members;

2. If we take it further beyond "cooperative", we can use the 300 Million Naira as equity to start Jaycees Microfinance Bank (JMB). With extra investments from the bigwigs in JCI Nigeria and partner-companies, we can pull up extra 700 Million Naira to make a capital base of 1 Billion Naira. With this we can help, not only members, but also pull out some Nigerians out of poverty by supporting SMEs. A legitimate alternative to MMM!!!

At this time, the society is asking what is the importance of JCI to their struggle, survival and aspirations. Can JCI Nigeria go beyond the norms, and make a big impact in Nigeria? Can we look beyond the "traditional projects" and bring economical revolution? Can we stop talking and start taking steps that history will appreciate?

Its time, for the JCI Nigeria to take the lead in Nigeria. You know what JCI Nepal did when there was an earthquake! So what is JCI Nigeria doing during this economic quake?

Let's leverage on our professionals: bankers, economists, investors, business strategists, brand strategists, and political influencers. Let's take a break from the theory class of JCI Impact and ACM. Let's do the work.

The future belongs to those who get into the trenches, working and walking their way, to achieve goals which will add value to generations to come.

For now, Nigerians keep asking: "What is this JCI, abeg!".


Olufemi Babalogbon
2016 Director of Publicity
2017 General Legal Cousel,
JCI Oluyole Local Organisation,


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