Oxford Dictionary defines Friend as: 
1A person with whom one has a bond of mutual affection, typically one exclusive of sexual or family relations: 

  • (used as a polite form of address or in ironic reference) an acquaintance or a stranger one comes across: ‘my friends, let me introduce myself’
  • (one's friends) archaic One's close relatives.
  • A person who supports a cause, organization, or country by giving financial or other help;
  • A person who is not an enemy or opponent; an ally.
  •  A familiar or helpful thing.
  •  A contact on a social networking website.

It is very important for every Muslim and humanity at large to make sure that his choice of friends and the company he keeps is correct. Over the years, It has been proven through experience that habits and behaviour of friends and associates slowly manifest in an individual. Without realizing, a person begins to adopt the style and behaviour of his friends. We are all witness to this fact. 

In the association of pious men, one stand to gain all the time and ultimately become like them. In bad company, one is out-and-out a loser and can never hope to gain anything from them.

In my neighborhood, I have seen people who have the worst of character and personality undergo a complete change due to the company of friends they associate with and I have also witnessed good people changed drastically because of the kind of friends they keep and hang out with. 

The Messenger of Allah PBUH has advised us: “A man follows the religion of his friend, so each one of you should consider and think very carefully whom he is making a friend with.” [Hadith Tirmidhi, Abu Dawood].

  • His way of life will guide you to the part of Allah,
  • Seeing him reminds you of Allah,
  • Speaking to him increases you in knowledge,
  • His actions reminds you of the hereafter,
  • His speechs and deeds increases your Imaan.

The Prophet PBUH said: "The similitude of a good companion is like an owner of Musk; if he doesn't get anything,he gets the smell of it while the similitude of a bad companion is like the blacksmith's bellow; if you are not affected by its black dirt, you will be touched by its smoke."

We need friends who are sincere, genuine and true and also true in their friendship. Those who care for our well-being from every aspect are true friends. Whereas on the other hand, worldly friends are not only a waste of time, but also on the day of Qiyamah, they will be a means of destruction. The Quran says:  
“All friends on the day of Qiyamah will be enemies of one another except the God fearing.” (Mutaqeen) (43:67).

Here, the Quran is not saying that friends will not help or benefit each other on that day, it is saying something much stronger, that friends who were not God-fearing will be the enemies of each other on the day of Qiyamah.  
Friends in the hereafter will regret making irreligious people their friends. Allah Taa'la says in the Quran, “Ah, woe to me! Would that I had never taken so-and-so as a Khaleel (intimate friend)! He indeed let me astray from the reminder (This Quran) after it and came to me. And Shaytaan is ever a deserter to man (in the hour of need).” (25; 28-29) 
This will be the cries of the people. Further, Allah says:
“Our Lord! These misled us, so give them a double torment of the fire. He will say for each one is a double torment but you know not.” (7:38)

My dear friends, today we feel proud of having an elder friend who follows the path of evil. We forget that this role model of ours who is teaching us to sell drugs, to take drugs, to bully and oppress people, disobey parents and to fall prey to evil desires, is in fact taking us to hell! 
Our true and only friend should be Allah but in order to attain such high stage, one needs to make good, pious people his friends. [copied: inter-Islam.org].

My dearest reader, let's strive to keep good companies and choose carefully whom we hang out with because "a true believer is a mirror to his brother, he prevents him from any harm".


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