O Allah, grant Your victory to the people of Aleppo and the Muslims of this Ummah in general, support them with Your support, supply them with Your aid, strengthen their hearts and make their feet firm; and deal with those who have oppressed, aggressed against and transgressed. Ameen اللهم انصر أهل (حلب) وعامة المسلمين في سوريا بنصرك وأيدهم بتأييدك، وأمدهم بعونك، واربط على قلوبهم وثبت أقدامهم. وعليك بمن ظلم وبغى وطغى Please keep all those who are oppressed in your du'aas: Afghanistan, Burma, Palestine, Iraaq, Kashmeer, Syria, Yemen.... Etc etc 😣