Amazing steps to increase your TAKWA (Piety)

      "TAKWA" is an Arabic word derived from "WIQAYA" meaning "Self Defense and Avoidance". It is a comprehensive term denoting a believer's strict observance of the commandments of the Shari'ah and the Devine laws of nature and life. "Takwa" also means "Piety".

     Such a person seeks refuge in God against His punishment,refrains from acts leading to Hellfire,and performs acts leading to Paradise. He purifies all outer and inner senses to prevent them from associating partners with God, and also avoids imitating the worldviews and life styles of unbelievers.
   "O mankind! We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one another. Verily, The Noblest, most Honorable of you in the sight of Allah is the most advanced of you in Takwa(piety). Indeed, Allah is All-Knowing, All Aware". [Al Hujarat: Quran 49 vs 13].

 Piety, which is the conscious performance of good and avoidance of evil, prevents individuals from joining the lowest of the low and causes them to advance on the path of the highest of the high. It is an invaluable treasure,the matchless jewel in a priceless treasure of precious stones,a mysterious key to all door of good, and a mount on the way to Paradise. It's value is so high that, among other life giving expressions the Quran mentions it 150 times. In order words, one who attains piety has found the source of all good and blessings.

These 10 steps below can help increase our Takwa

  • Perfect our obligatory Salah,
  • Staying away from Major and Minor sins,
  • Pray Sunnah Salah and Qiyam-al-Layl (Tahajjud/ night prayer),
  • Read Quran and understand its meaning,
  • Implement the Quran in our daily life,
  • Make continuous Du'a to Allah,
  • Incorporate Sunnah into our life,
  • Check ourselves daily, continuously controlling our spiritual life by studying and reflecting on God's act,works,His laws of nature and life,
  • Remember death, and live with the conscious knowledge that it may happen anytime,
  • Be kind to families and neighbors. 
Allah said, "The last abode of the pious will be Paradise and their drinks Kawthar".

Ya Allah! Include us among your pious servants who are sincere in all their religious acts. Ameen 


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