The Ummah is Crying

Sheikh Abdulazeez at-Turayfi (شيخ عبدالعزيز الطريفي) :

There will come a day when those who hear the prolonged suffering of their brothers and feel the pain without aiding them will be made to face something similar and no one will care, for prolonged suffering causes feelings to become lost and the enemies to become emboldened in continuing their aggression.

من يسمع بآلام إخوانه الطويلة فيتألم بلا نصرة سيأتيه يوم يعاينها ولا يبالي، فإن طول الآلام يُفقد المشاعر ويُجرىء الأعداء على مسلسل الاعتداء
The greatest disease of the Ummah today is that its enemy has dressed it with ‘humiliation’ but called it ‘tolerance’. Thus, the enemy will kill (Muslims) and the Ummah will not feel the pain; but when (we) kill them, the Ummah feels their pain.

أعظم أدواء الأمة اليوم أن عدوّها ألبسها (الذلّة) وسمّاها (تسامحاً)، فيقتل فيها ولا تتألم، وتقتل فيه وتتألم عنه
There is no fear for the dead of weak Muslims, for they are considered martyrs. Rather, the fear is for the betrayal of the strong. For Allah has a sunnah; that His punishment for the betrayal of the strong is more severe than His tribulation for the weak.

لا خوف على قتلى المسلمين الضعفاء فهم يحسبون شهداء، بل الخوف من خذلان الأقوياء فلله سنة أن عقوبته على خذلان الأقوياء أشد من بلائه على الضعفاء
One of the immediate punishments is the punishment for deserting the oppressed. Many times, punishments afflict nations while they are unaware of its causes; they think that Allah does not punish except those who are directly involved in oppression themselves.

من العقوبات العاجلة عقوبة خذلان المظلومين، وكثيرا ما تنزل العقوبات بالدول ويجهلون أسبابها، يظنون أن الله لا يُعاقب إلا من باشر الظلم بنفسه !
Providing relief to the distressed and aid to the oppressed is obligatory, while duʿā is the greatest form of aid and the least in terms of ability. He ﷺ said in a ḥadīth, “There is nothing more noble to Allah than duʿā.”

إغاثة الملهوف ونصرة المظلوم واجبة، والدُّعاء أعظم النصرة وأقل القُدرة، ففي الحديث قال ﷺ: (ليس شيء أكرم على الله من الدعاء)
O Allah, grant Your victory to the people of Aleppo and the Muslims of Syria in general, support them with Your support, supply them with Your aid, strengthen their hearts and make their feet firm; and deal with those who have oppressed, aggressed against and transgressed.

اللهم انصر أهل (حلب) وعامة المسلمين في سوريا بنصرك وأيدهم بتأييدك، وأمدهم بعونك، واربط على قلوبهم وثبت أقدامهم. وعليك بمن ظلم وبغى وطغى


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