*Dear my pious noble  sisters In Islam..*
Please  be aware of being one of these women .

Some women are cursed by Allaah .
Meaning ( cast out from the Mercy of Allaah SWT) .
It is the Mercy of Allaah that makes a person to enter Paradise (al-jannah).
 1) *Al Washimah :*
woman  who practices tattooing..
 2) *Al Mustawshimah:*
 the one who gets herself tattooed
3) *Al Namisah :*
woman who trims (plucks) somebody else's eyebrows in order to make it thin
4) *Al Mutanamisah:*
who gets the hair of her eyebrows plucked.
 5) *Al wasilah:*
the woman who adds false hair to the hair of woman (who makes wigs)
6) *Al Mustawsilah* :
the one who asks for adding the hair to her hair
7) *Al washirah*: who files the teeth of others to make them smaller (for the purpose of beautification.)
8) *Al Mustawshirah*:
the one who gets her teeth filed.
9) *Al Mutafallijah* :
 who creates a space between their teeth artificially to look beautiful
10) *Al Mutabarrijah*
 (non Hijabi⇦):&
woman who imitates men (Women who wear men's dress and behaves like men)
11) *Al Naiha (the wailer)*:
the one who wails (during times of calamity and when someone dies) and also the woman who Listens to wailing is cursed⇦

12) Women who visits graves frequently.
 13) woman whose husband is angry on her.
14) Woman who tears hear garments (when someone dies,)..
My pious sisters ,please refrain from being like such women mentioned above.
My dear sisters, Enjoining what is good and forbidding what is evil is a mission which will never end until the Hour begins...
 I Ask Allaah to make any reminders share beneficial for you, The Ummah and most importantly May Allaah purify our  intentions and make it solely for His sake..


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